What “kind” of church are we?
We are a congregation of the Christian Reformed Churches of Australia–a denomination of about 60 churches around the country. In the Tasmanian scene, we’re also involved in The Vision 100 Network.
To be reformed means we value the Bible highly, emphasise a trust in God's strength, and are always 'reforming' to make sure we apply God's Word to our modern context faithfully. Our church gatherings include both traditional and contemporary songs and styles as we reflect this.
What is our history?
Previously known as the Hobart Christian Reformed Church, our church was founded in 1960 by a group of Dutch migrants. In 1979 we built and moved into our current building in Howrah. Over the years our church has grown and changed, and today we are a diverse group of believers from various cultural backgrounds and church traditions. We remain grounded on the ethos of the reformed movement: To be a church always reforming, to reach the lost for Christ.
What do we Believe?
As a reformed church it is our aim to give Glory to God, through His eternal Son the Lord Jesus Christ, by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Our message is the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ alone saves people from sin and death. By the grace of God, we put our faith in Him alone. We regard the Bible to be the inspired Word of God. We seek to be holistic in our Sunday worship, by giving glory and praise to God in our singing, our prayers of thanks and intercession, in our offering, in fellowship with one another and through the encouragement we receive from the preaching, which is based on the Bible.
We serve God with gladness and joy in hearts as we rejoice in the One who has set us on an eternal journey to be with Him.
What we believe as a church are summarised in our confessions: The Belgic Confession, The Heidelberg Catechism, and the Canons of Dort.
Our Leadership
Our church is led by a Church Council, made up of elders who are elected by the church for a fixed term, and our pastor.




Policy Documents
Children & Vulnerable People
At Good News, we place high importance and priority on keeping children and vulnerable people safe. We have adopted the "Childsafe" system which is used by churches in our denomination nationally, and is kept up to date with improvements over time. Download a copy of our Children and Vulnerable People Policy here.
Privacy Policy
To help us run great ministries, we collect personal data in different forms, and that means we need to handle that information with due sensitivity, security, and care. Download a copy of our Privacy Policy here.
Other Policies
Want more info on how we do things at Good News? Feel free to ask for more information. We welcome the opportunity to talk. You can use the form on the Contact page, or email pastor@goodnewschristianchurch.org