Welcome to Good News!
Sharing the Truth and Love of Jesus

We are a small, growing church community who value the truth about Jesus, live out his love, and want to share this with others- including you!
We are based on the eastern shore of Hobart. We would love to connect with you, whether through our Sunday service or the various ministries we run during the week.
Join a Sunday Service
We would love to see you at church this Sunday! We meet at 9.30am, at 238 Clarence Street, Howrah. Our services run for just over an hour, and are open to everyone. Allow some time to stay for morning tea and chat with us. Our Sunday School program runs during the school term, and we have creche facilities available for parents. If you can't make it to church in person, you can also connect via our livestream, with the link below.
Wondering what to expect at church on Sunday?
A warm welcome before the service, a light morning tea afterwards.
A church service that expresses our historic Christian faith in Jesus for ordinary people living in today‘s world. We have readings from the Bible, prayers, songs, information about what's going on in the wider life of teh church, and a sermon which unpacks a reading from the Bible. The service takes just over an hour.
Our Sunday School offers age-appropriate learning for primary-aged children during the service (runs during school term).
Our crèche offers parents a space to look after young children.
We welcome people with diverse needs and from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Starts 9:30am, 238 Clarence Street, Howrah.